Welcome to my website!

Two groups of documents will be found here:

  1. three collections of short stories
  2. a number of stage plays and screenplays

Here are a few more details. The short stories do not appear in chronological order, although the notes at the end of each collection offer an approximate date of composition. There are three collections:

The Love Deep as Death gathers together sixteen stories, including the title story. I confess that some of these love stories are among my favorites.

Major Epitaphs, Minor Outrages comprises twelve stories. They share a central theme, or at least a common contrivance: a memorial plaque—some of them are genuine, some fictitious—tells of an accidental death. My story tries to fill in some of the possible details.

The Notebooks of Yorgos Mammákythos and Other Effluvia is the not very complimentary title of a third collection. The first of these sixteen stories is in fact my most recent one.

The stage plays and screenplays have been reworked over many decades. Here is a list and brief description.

“The Good European: Friedrich Nietzsche’s World” is the film script for a documentary on the philosopher’s life and travels throughout Europe.

“The Sandman” is a screen or television play based on the short story by E.T.A. Hoffmann. A stage play with the same title and theme.

Son of Spirit is a screenplay based on my novel of the same title published by SUNY Press.

“To My Sister” (screenplay) is based on the lives of Georg and Gretl Trakl. A stage play under the same title. If I am any judge, these two efforts are my most sustained and most successful.

“To See the Women” is a screenplay based on my fictional biography of Nietzsche, Nietzsche: A Novel, published by SUNY Press.